Banner advertisements placed on OzHammers, including your message and link, will reach thousands of visitors and our subscribers who fit the following typical profile.
- Principally male, aged between 20 to 65 years
- A keen interest in many sports with obvious bias towards football
- Medium to high income earners in their chosen occupations
- Socially active
- Frequent travellers
Our subscribers typically will log on to our web site a few times a week to check live broadcasts, meeting times, view links, etc.
Advertising Rates
All our rates are competitive and negotiable according to nature, size and duration. We currently prefer to offer a flat fee charging system, but are willing to consider variable systems such as those that are hit based.
Example charges current as at August 2008 (subject to change from time to time) are:
- A 161 x 121 pixel advert appearing on all pages underneath the navigation for an annual fee of $500.00
- A 161 x 121 pixel advert appearing on a specific page for an annual fee of $300.00
- Spaces are limited, so a first in first serve policy applies
- Packages and sponsorship arrangements also available
Please contact for more details.